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How it Works

How to buy a product without an account:

(It is advised to always ask the seller if the product is still in stock before buying.)

  1. Add a product to your cart.
  2. Open your cart and order the product.
  3. Pay with your payment of choice.

How to buy a product with an account:

  1. Open the home page and click on the button: “Create account for free”
  2. Click on: “Register”.
  3. Enter your email address and click on: “Register”.

How to make a sellers account:

Option 1:

  1. On the home page at the top of the website click on: “Seller registration”.
  2. Enter all your details.
  3. Click on: “register”.
  4. Click on: “set up your store”.

Option 2:

  1. Open the home page and click on the button: “Create account for free”
  2. Click on: “Register”.
  3. Click on: “Become a Vendor”
  4. Enter all your details.
  5. Click on: “register”.
  6. Click on: “set up your store”.

How to sell/add a product:

  1. On the home page at the top op the website click on: “Add product”
  2. Click on :”Add New”.

How to see the Seller Dashboard:

(Use the seller dashboard to see all of your sold items)

  1. On the home page at the top op the website click on: “Seller Dashboard”